There are 39 downloads
This policy describes the intent of the commitment to consultative arrangements to ensure, in context, changes to organisational structure or operational policy, procedure, work method and process are conveyed in a timely, effective and meaningful manner.
View & DownloadThis policy describes the commitment to training and competency, to ensure that anyone that enters a premises to work has sufficient skill, competency and knowledge to undertake their role safely.
View & DownloadThis policy describes the commitment to protecting employees, contractors, visitor and other persons against harm to their health, safety and wellbeing. It will assist to promote and encourage best practice in Work, Health and Safety.
View & DownloadThis policy can be used to set the requirements that ensure WHS documents and records are kept in a manner that is planned, controlled, monitored, recorded and reviewed.
View & DownloadThis policy can be used to document an organisation's commitment to supporting employees who sustain a work related injury or illness.
View & DownloadThis policy describes the effective housekeeping procedures and practices to be used to assist with the control and /or elimination of workplace hazards.
View & DownloadA risk management framework is intended to guide the way in which work health and safety risks are managed across a business, including the risk based change management.
View & DownloadThis policy describes the commitment to reporting all safety events (incidents, injuries and near miss events) and learning from them to reduce risks and prevent recurrences.
View & DownloadThe PPE Policy outlines an organisations commitment to provide PPE to employees, contractors and visitors where required.
PPE is provided to control hazards identified in the workplace where it is not practicable to eliminate or control the hazard through other measures or if additional protection is required to support existing hazard control measures.
View & DownloadThis policy is designed to ensure the safe use of hand held devices while working.
Hand held devices include mobile phones, cordless landline phones and any other smart devices such as watches and tablets/ipads.
View & DownloadThe aim of this policy is to ensure that manual handling preventative measures are implemented to reduce the risk of incidents and injuries.
View & DownloadThis policy promotes a commitment to eliminating or minimising ergonomic stressors and providing employees with an ergonomic workplace.
Ergonomics is about adapting the working conditions so that they fit the employee. The aim is to ergonomically design and adjust the work environment to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.
View & DownloadThis policy describes the commitment to protecting employees, service providers, visitor and customers from persons at work who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
View & DownloadThis policy provides a framework to manage changes which have the potential to impact the safety and wellbeing of people through a risk based decision making process.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to ensure:
· the development and implementation of appropriate processes to communicate WHS matters;
· employees are provided with information necessary to perform work tasks in a safe manner; and
· external communications regarding WHS matters are effective and appropriate.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the efficient and effective management of fixed and mobile assets through their entire lifecycle.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to establish a commitment to best practice purchasing to ensure goods and services procured are fit for purpose and that any associated Work Health and Safety (WHS) risks are managed to a level as low as reasonably practicable.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to ensure that WHS audits are designed to add value and improve an organisations operations.
View & DownloadThis policy is designed to minimise the spread of infectious diseases and decrease the risk of exposure to workplace contaminants at by providing clean and safe facilities and encouraging good hygiene practices.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to establish the intent and commitment of an organisation to ensure that effective workplace inspection regimes are in place.
View & DownloadThe aim of this policy is to ensure that procured services are fit for purpose and that the work activities undertaken by preferred service providers (suppliers) and their employees are done so in a manner that any associated Work Health and Safety (WHS) risks are managed to a level as low as reasonably practicable.
View & DownloadAn organisations Duty of Care extends to the possibility of injury or illness which might result from concerns relating to fitness for work and take reasonably practicable steps to protect employees, currently employed or seeking employment, where this risk is or may be considered unacceptable.
View & DownloadFatigue is mental or physical exhaustion that prevents a person from functioning normally. Fatigue can impair an employee’s physiological and psychological wellbeing, leading to an increased potential for human error and unsafe actions. The primary objective of this policy is to promote the prevention of injuries / illnesses related to fatigue induced fitness for work concerns.
View & DownloadThese principles are intended to help ensure safety competency and conscientiousness is considered in the selection and recruitment of suitable people.
View & DownloadThis policy is designed to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities when driving a company vehicle, with the aim of reducing the likelihood of work-related motor vehicle incidents.
View & DownloadThese principles are intended to provide safety considerations for the purchasing of goods and services from approved and reliable goods suppliers and service providers (suppliers) so that they present the lowest possible level of Work Health and Safety (WHS) risk to employees and other persons involved in the business.
View & DownloadThis policy is designed to ensure employees remain safe while working from home.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to ensure asbestos containing materials are managed and controlled to prevent asbestos-related disease to employees in the workplace.
View & DownloadThis policy is aimed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees, contractors, visitors and customers, that is free from the risks associated with smoking/vaping.
View & DownloadThis policy is to establish the intent to monitor, measure and review on a regular basis, the effectiveness of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Management System and key characteristics of operations which have impact on organisational safety performance
View & DownloadWorking alone or in isolation from others may increase the risk to their health and safety in circumstances where an employee is injured or there is a threat of injury and is unable to seek assistance. The purpose of this policy is to establish the risk management principles for eliminating or reducing lone working risks as far as reasonably practicable.
View & DownloadThis policy is designed to ensure workers remain safe while in the workplace, and follow safe practices for wearing music / communication headphones or other similar devices (listening devices) within hazardous and trafficked areas.
View & DownloadThis policy outlines critical measures to ensure a safe, secure, and enjoyable test drive experience while mitigating risks of incidents and injuries.
View & DownloadThis policy aims to promote psychological well-being, mitigate risks associated with inappropriate workplace behaviours including, but not limited to, discrimination, bullying and harassment and ensure that every member of our team is feels valued, respected, safe, and empowered to thrive.
View & DownloadMany chemicals used in the workplace pose both health and physical hazards, requiring stringent management controls. This policy is applicable to all employees who are involved in the purchase, transportation, storage, and use of hazardous substances (chemicals) and dangerous goods.
View & DownloadThis policy aims to prevent and manage occupational illnesses and injuries through proactive health surveillance, particularly for workers exposed to hazardous substances, noise, diesel emissions, and other occupational risks commonly present in the automotive industry, including auto body repair and motor vehicle maintenance environments.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to ensure dust hazards are effectively managed and controlled to prevent adverse health effects on employees and other persons in the workplace.
View & DownloadThe purpose of this policy is to ensure noise hazards are effectively managed and controlled to prevent noise-induced hearing loss and other adverse health effects on employees and other persons in the workplace.
View & DownloadThis policy establishes measures to effectively monitor, reduce, and control exposure to diesel emissions in auto body repair, motor vehicle maintenance, and related environments.
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